Dutch Colonialism

Africa. List of Dutch colonial forts and possessions

Fort Nassau at Mouri, Ghana. Author Johannes Kip (1704). No Copyright

Written by Marco Ramerini MAURITANIA: Arguin: (20°36’N – 16°27’W) Netherlands: 1633 – 1 Sep. 1678 to France (1 Sep. 1678 – Sep. 1678) abandoned (1678 – 1685) to Brandenburg (5 Oct. 1685 – 9/10 Mar. 1721) to France (10 Mar. 1721 – 11 Jan. 1722) Netherlands: 11 Jan. 1722 – 20 Feb. 1724 to France (20 Feb. 1724 – Mar. 1728) ...

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Asia. Dutch Colonial Remains 16th-18th centuries

Dutch Fort, Galle, Sri Lanka. Author and Copyright Dietrich Köster

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. If you know something on colonial remains or if you have photos of such remains – they may be anywhere in the world -, send them to me. I’ll be happy to publish them on this website. Thank you. Marco. My e-mail is on the home page. BANGLA DESH Rajshahi: ...

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America. Dutch Colonial Remains 16th-18th centuries

Fort Orange, Itamaracá. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. If you know something on colonial remains or if you have photos of such remains – they may be anywhere in the world -, send them to me. I’ll be happy to publish them on this website. Thank you. Marco. My e-mail is on the home page. BRAZIL Dutch surnames. ...

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Africa. Dutch Colonial Remains 16th-18th centuries

Castle of Good Hope (Kasteel de Goede Hoop), Cape Town, South Africa. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. If you know something on colonial remains or if you have photos of such remains – they may be anywhere in the world -, send them to me. I’ll be happy to publish them on this website. Thank you. Marco. My e-mail is on the home page. ANGOLA Dutch surnames. ...

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Oceania. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: OCEANIA AUSTRALIA: – Doolan, Paul, “First Europeans in Australia”, in: “History Today”, June 1999. – Godard, Philippe, “First and last Voyage of the Batavia”, 332 pp. – Playford, Phillip, “Voyage of Discovery to Terra Australis”, 113 pp., Willem de Vlamingh’s intrepid voyage to Australia 1696-1697 (wanting) – Playford, ...

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Malacca, Thailand, and Philippines. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: MALACCA, THAILAND AND PHILIPPINES THAILAND: – Various Authors, “Siamese king sent diplomats to “king” Maurits at The Hague”, in: “Windmill Herald”, n°813, 814, September 9 & 23, 1996 – Brummelhuis, Han ten, “Merchant, Courtier and Diplomat: A History of the Contacts between The Netherlands and Thailand”, 116 pp., ...

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Indonesia. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Moluccas (1630), Indonesia. Author Willem Janszoon Blaeu. No Copyright

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: INDONESIA INDONESIA: – Various Authors, “A taste of adventure: the history of spices is the history of trade”, in: “The Economist”, 19 December 1998. – Various Authors, “Forten, Vestingen, Redoutes, Kastelen, Blokhuis”, list of Dutch forts in Indonesia sent to me by Donald F.M. Rugebregt. – Various Authors, ...

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India. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: INDIA INDIA, GENERAL: – Gupta, Ashin Das, “Merchants of maritime India, 1500-1800”, 326 pp., illustrations, Aldershot, Variorum, 1994, Brookfield, Vermont, USA. Contents: Preface: Indian merchants and the trade in the Indian Ocean, ca. 1500-1750; India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800: the story; The maritime merchant [of medieval India], ...

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Dutch Colonial Empire. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

The Dutch East India Company (VOC) symbol it's still at the entrance gate of the Castle of Good Hope (Kasteel de Goede Hoop), Cape Town, South Africa. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: GENERAL STUDIES – Various Authors, “VOC archives created in Asia and South Africa”, Internet article, TANAP web site. The VOC archives in Colombo, Chennai, Cape Town and The Hague. – Boxer, Ch.R., “The Dutch Seaborne Empire, 1600-1800”, 363 pp., maps, Penguin Books, 1990, United Kingdom. A general work ...

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Asia Far East: China, Taiwan (Formosa), Japan. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. ASIA FAR EAST: FORMOSA (TAIWAN), CHINA, JAPAN FAR EAST: FORMOSA (TAIWAN), CHINA, JAPAN: – Andrade, T., “Political spectacle and colonial rule: the Landdag on Dutch Taiwan, 1629-1648”, in: “Itinerario”, vol. XXI, 3/1997 pp. 57-93. – Bassett, D. K., “The trade of the English East India Company in the Far East, ...

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Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: CEYLON (SRI LANKA) CEYLON-SRI LANKA: – Various Authors “History of Ceylon” Vol. 1, parts 1 & 2: “Pre-Colonial Period” University of Ceylon, 1959/60, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Vol. 2: “History of Sri Lanka vol. II (1500-1800)”, 614 pp., edited by K.M. de Silva, University of Peradenya, Ceylon, 1995, Colombo, ...

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Asia. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Map of Asia (1627). Authors Bertius; Danckerts; Tavernier. No Copyright

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: ASIA ASIA GENERAL: – Various Authors, “All of one company, the VOC in biographical perspective”, 230 pp., HES Uitgevers, 1986, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Index: Testament to a Towkay: Jan Con Batavia and the Dutch China trade, the voyage of the Dutch merchant Pieter van den Broecke to the ...

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Arabia and Persian Gulf. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: ARABIAN PENINSULA AND PERSIAN GULF YEMEN, ARABIA, IRAN: – Barendse, R. J., “The Arabian Seas, 1640-1700”, vi + 465 pp., Leiden University, 1998, Leiden, The Netherlands. Contents: Ports and hinterlands, Europeans in the Arabian Seas, the trading companies and Asian states, trade volumes and patterns, the Portuguese, the ...

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America. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: AMERICA NORTH AMERICA – Various Authors, “The Colonial History of New York under the Dutch”, CD-Rom in 5 volumes. Includes: “Narratives of New Netherland” (Jameson), “History of New Netherland” (O’Callaghan), “History of New York” (Brodhead) and also includes Cadwallader Colden and four Munsell tracts, edited by O’Callaghan. – ...

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Africa. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: AFRICA MAURITANIA: – Monod,Th., “L’île d’Arguin (Mauritanie), essai historique” 327 pp., 5 maps, IICT and CECA 1983, Lisbon, Portugal. Detailed research on Arguin castle history during the Portuguese, Dutch and Brandenburg periods. WEST AFRICA, GHANA (GOLD COAST): – Various Authors, “John Conny & Goombay Drum ignite the imagination ...

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The Dutch East India Company: VOC (Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie)

The Dutch East India Company (VOC) symbol it's still at the entrance gate of the Castle of Good Hope (Kasteel de Goede Hoop), Cape Town, South Africa. Author and Copyright Marco Ramerini

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. In March 1594 some Dutch merchants founded a “Company of Far Lands” at Amsterdam. Their objective was to send two fleets to the East Indies. The first fleet of four ships reached Bantam and returned to the Netherlands in August 1597. Only three ships with a small cargo of pepper ...

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Map of Dutch settlements in Guyana and Suriname 1600-1750

Map of Dutch settlements in Guyana and Suriname 1600-1750. Author Marco Ramerini

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. Around 1600 Spain had occupied in the Caribbean four large islands: Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. These islands together with Mexico and Central America as far south as Guatemala formed the viceroyalty of New Spain. The Lesser Antilles were left unoccupied by Spain due to the ferocity of their ...

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The Dutch in Formosa 1624-1662, 1664-1668

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. After the failed attempt to conquer Macao in 1622 the Dutch settled on the Pescadores islands (building a fort in Makung) between Formosa and China. In 1624 a Chinese attack compelled them to move on to nearby Formosa. They founded the castle of Zeelandia in 1624 on an island near ...

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The Dutch Governors of Ceylon

Written by Marco Ramerini. THE DUTCH GOVERNORS OF CEYLON Willem Jacobsz COSTER 1640 Jan THIJSSEN 1640 – 1646 Joan MAETSUYCKER 1646 – 1650 Jacob van KITTENSTEYN 1650 – 1653 Adriaan van der MEIJDEN 1653 – 1662 Rijcklof van GOENS 1662 – 1663 Jacob HUSTAERT 1663 – 1664 Rijcklof van GOENS 1665 – 1675 Rijcklof van GOENS junior 1675 – 1679 ...

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Index of the Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon

Dutch Fort, Galle, Sri Lanka. Author and Copyright Dietrich Köster

Written by Marco Ramerini For more information on the Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon you can contact: Victor Melder at: VICTOR MELDER SRI LANKA LIBRARY 7, Benambra Street Broadmeadows, Vic 3047 Australia Web site: www.vmsl-library.com The library has the entire set of the Dutch Burgher Union Journals, published from 1908 to date and also the indexes to the ...

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