America. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster.



– Various Authors, “The Colonial History of New York under the Dutch”, CD-Rom in 5 volumes. Includes: “Narratives of New Netherland” (Jameson), “History of New Netherland” (O’Callaghan), “History of New York” (Brodhead) and also includes Cadwallader Colden and four Munsell tracts, edited by O’Callaghan.

– Various Authors “A brief outline of Dutch history and the province of New Netherland”, Internet article.

– Armstrong, Edward, “The History and Location of Fort Nassau on the Delaware”, in: “Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society”, n° 6, 1853, pp. 187-207.

– Bachman, van Cleaf, “Peltries or Plantations: The Economic Policies of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland, 1623-1639”, Johns Hopkins Press, 1969, Baltimore, USA.

– Bonine, Chesleigh A., “Archeological Investigations of the Dutch “Swanendael” Settlement under Devries, 1631-1632″, in: “The Archeologue”, n° 8,(3), 1956

– Cohen, David, “How Dutch were the Dutch of New Netherland?”, in: New York History Journal, 1981.

– Condon, Thomas J., “New York Beginnings: The Commercial Origins of New Netherland”, New York University Press, 1968, New York, USA.

– Fernow, Berthold, “New Netherlands Documents: The Records of New Amsterdam: From 1653 to 1674”, 7 vols., Syracuse University Press.

– Folkerts, Jan, “The failure of the West India Company farming on the island of Manhattan”, Article on the internet: “The American Revolution project”.

– Gehring, Charles T., “New Netherlands Documents: Correspondence, 1647-1653”, Syracuse University Press.

– Gehring, Charles T., “New Netherlands Documents: Council Minutes, 1655-1656”, Syracuse University Press.

– Gehring, Charles T., “New Netherlands Documents: Fort Orange Court Minutes, 1652-1660”, Syracuse University Press.

– Gehring, Charles T., “New Netherlands Documents: Fort Orange Records, 1656-1678”, Syracuse University Press.

– Gehring, Charles T., “New Netherlands Documents: Laws and Writs of Appeal”, Syracuse University Press.

– Gehring, Charles T. & Starna, William A., “A Journey into Mohawk and Oneida Country, 1634-1635: The Journal of Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bogaert”, Series: “The Iroquois and their neighbors”, Syracuse University Press.

– Griffis, W. E. “The story of New Netherland. The Dutch in America”, 292 pp., Houghton, 1909, Boston/New York, USA. – Heywoood, Linda M. & Thornton, John K., (2007) “Central Africans, Atlantic Creoles and the making of the Foundation of the Americas, 1585-1660”, Cambridge and New York : Cambridge University Press.

– Hiss, Philip Hanson, “Netherlands America: the Dutch territories in the West”, xxiii, 225 pp., 64 pp. of photos, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1943, New York, USA. A study of the territories of the Netherlands in the Western Hemisphere from the discovery of the New World to the present day.

– Huey, Paul R., “Aspects of Continuity and Change in Colonial Dutch Material Culture at Fort Orange, 1624-1664”, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of American Civilization, University of Pennsylvania, 1988.

– Huey, Paul R. “The Dutch at Fort Orange”, in: “Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective”, edited by Lisa Falk, pp. 21-67, Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991, Washington and London.

– Huey, Paul R., “The Archeology of Fort Orange and Beverwijck”, in: “A Beautiful and Fruitful Place: Selected Rensselaerswijck Seminar Papers”, edited by Nancy Anne McClure Zeller, pp. 326-349, New Netherland Publishing, 1991, Albany, New York.

– Innes, J. H. “New Amsterdam and its People. Studies, Social and Topographical of the Town under Dutch and Early English Rule”, 365 pp., 35 maps, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1902, New York, NY, USA. Princeton University Press, 1902, Princeton, USA.

– Jameson, J. Franklin “Narratives of New Netherland 1609-1664”, 480 pp., Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1909, New York, USA.

– Jameson, J. Franklin, “Willem Usselinx: founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India Companies”, 234 pp., Papers American Historic Association 2(2), 1887, NY, USA.

– Kupp, T. J., “Fur trade relations, New Netherland – New France; a study of the influence exerted by the fur trade interests of Holland and New Netherland on the settlement of New France during the years 1600 to 1664”, Ph.D. Thesis University of Manitoba, 1968.

– Lowensteyn, Peter, “The role of the Dutch in the Iroquois wars”, Internet article. – Meurs, Paul, “Nieuw Amsterdam op Manhattan 1625-1660”, in: Various Authors, “Vestingbouw overzee. Militaire architectuur van Manhattan tot Korea”, pp. 19-31, Vestingbouwkundige bijdragen, Walburg Pers, 19–, The Netherlands.

– Murray, Jean E., “The fur trade in New France and New Netherland prior to 1645”, Ph.D. Thesis University of Chicago, 1937.

– O’Callaghan, E. B., “The History of New Netherland”, 2 vols., D. Appleton, 1848, New York, USA.

– Otto, Paul Andrew, “New Netherland frontier: Europeans and Native Americans along the lower Hudson River 1524-1664, 269 pp., Ph.D. Thesis Indiana University, 1995.

– Rink, Oliver, “The people of New Netherland: notes on non-English immigration to New York in the seventeenth century”, in: New York History Journal, 1981.

– Rink, Oliver, “Holland on the Hudson: The Economic and Social History of Dutch New York”, 1986, Ithaca and London.

– Shattuck, M. Dickinson, “A civil society: court and community in Beverwijck, New Netherland 1652-1664”, 325 pp., Ph.D. Thesis Boston University, 1993.

– Schomette, Donald G. and Haslach, Robert D., “Raid on America: The Dutch Naval Campaign of 1672-1674”, 386 pp., University of South Carolina Press, 1988, Columbia, South Carolina, USA. Reconstructs the Evertsen expedition from contemporary English and Dutch records, journals, secret minutes and narratives, a campaign that resulted in a major naval invasion of the Chesapeake Bay, the capture or destruction of nearly 200 English and French vessels and the reconquest and restoration of New York, New Jersey and Delaware to the United Provinces of the Netherlands’ control.

– Schomette, Donald G. “The Empire strikes back. On the East End in 1674: the military and political contest for dominion of the East riding townships during the Third Anglo-Dutch War”, Internet article. Lecture delivered on 12 September 1998.

– Teensma, B. N., “Take Florida or the unattended project of a Dutch Sephardi phantast”, in: “Itinerario”, vol. XXI, 3/1997 pp. 142-150.

– Trelease, Allen W., “Indian relations and the fur trade in New Netherland 1609-1664”, Ph.D. Thesis Harvard University, 1955.

– Ward, C., “The Dutch and Swedes on the Delaware 1609 – 1664”, 393 pp., University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

– Welling, George, “The United States of America and the Netherlands”, article on the internet: “The American Revolution project”.

– Weslager, C.A., “Dutch explorers, traders and settlers in the Delaware valley 1609-1664”, 329 pp., illustrations, University of Pennsylvania Press 1961, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

– Zwierlein, L. D., “Religion in New Netherland: A History of the Development of the Religious Conditions in the Province of New Netherland 1623-1664”, 327 pp., John Smith Printing Co, 1910, Rochester, New York, USA.


– Various Authors “Graveyard at Jodensavanne: translation of the tombstone in English” (wanting)

– Archibald, D. “Tobago: melancholy isle, vol. I 1498-1771” 137 pp. Westindiana, 1987, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago. Chapter I, The Caribs of the Island of Tabaco; Chapter II, the European Presence 1498-1627; Chapter III, Early Settlements 1628-1637; Chapter IV, The Courland Adventure 1639-1690; Chapter V, the Dutch at Roodklyp Bay 1654-1678; Chapter VI, Captain John Poyntz 1666-1704; Chapter VII, A neutral Island 1683-1686; Chapter VIII, the British settle Tobago 1763-1771.

– Benoit, P.J., “Post Gelderland en de Joden-Savanna van de rivierzijde gezien”.

– Bethencourt, Cardozo de, “Notes on the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the United States, Guiana and the Dutch and British West Indies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries”, in: A.J.H.S., n° 29, 1925.

– Böhm, Günter, “The first Sephardic Synagogues in South America and in the Caribbean area”, in: “Studia Rosenthaliana” vol. XXII.

– Böhm, Günter, “The first Sephardic Cemeteries in South America and in the West Indies”, in: “Studia Rosenthaliana” vol. 25/1, 1991.

– Böhm, Günter, “The Synagogues of Surinam”, in: “Journal of Jewish Art” vol. 6, 1978.

– Bosman, L., “De ontwerpen van François Samel de Veye (1726-1797) voor Berbice”, in: Various Authors, “Vestingbouw overzee. Militaire architectuur van Manhattan tot Korea”, pp. 44-63, Vestingbouwkundige bijdragen, Walburg Pers, 19–, The Netherlands.

– Bruyn, Adrienne and Veenstra, Tonjes, “The creolization of Dutch”, pp. 29-80, Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages (JPCL), N° 8/1 (April 1993), John Benjamins Publishing Company. Investigation of certain grammatical aspects of three languages that came about as by-products of colonial expansion of the Dutch during the seventeenth century: Afrikaans, Negerhollands, and Berbice Dutch.

– Byams, William, “Journal of Guiana, 1665 to 1667”, British Library Mss n° 3662, fol. 27-37.

– Bubberman, F. C., “Tobago en zijn Nederlands verleden”, in: Various Authors, “Vestingbouw overzee. Militaire architectuur van Manhattan tot Korea”, pp. 37-43, Vestingbouwkundige bijdragen, Walburg Pers, 19–, The Netherlands.

– Carmichael, Gertrude, “The history of the West Indian Islands of Trinidad and Tobago, 1498-1900”, 463 pp., 8 plates, 1961, London, United Kingdom.

– Edmundson “The Dutch in Western Guiana”, English historical review: 1901, Vol. XVI 640 – 675 pp. An interesting article on the first period of Dutch settlements in Guiana and Tobago. There is also some information about the Courland attempts of colonizing Tobago.

– Efraim, Frank Martinus, “The Kiss of a Slave: Papiamentu’s West-Africa Connections”, Ph.D. thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1996, Reprinted with corrections in Curaçao, 1997. This book contains a linguistic study about the origins of Papiamentu, especially considering its connections with other Creole languages.

– Felsenthal, B. and Gottheil, R., “Chronological sketch of the history of the Jews in Surinam”, in: A.J.H.S., n° 2, 1894.

– Goslinga,C.Ch., “The Dutch in the Caribbean & on the Wild Coast 1580-1680”, 647 pp., 12 maps, van Gorcum & Co., 1971 Assen, The Netherlands. A detailed and a very interesting and complete study on the Dutch in the Caribbean area: Guyana and Caribbean Islands. This is the vol I of the study. Index: The beggars and the Broom, dreamers and realists, the tardy interlopers, the truce, the rise of a brilliant star, the battle for salt, the first great designs, the silver fleet, the king’s veins, Pie de Palo, the Dutch pearls, the years of crisis, the decline of a brilliant star, black ebony, “that superb nation”, the Wild Coast, New Walcheren, the last Dutch stand.

– Goslinga, C.Ch., “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in the Guianas 1680-1791”, 712 pp., 13 maps, van Gorcum, 1985 Assen, The Netherlands. A detailed and a very interesting study on the Dutch in the Caribbean area: Guyana and Caribbean Islands. This is the vol II of the study. Index: The rise and the decline of the new Dutch West India Company 1675-1770, the Dutch in West Africa, the Company and the colonists on the Curaçao islands, the Company and the colonists of the Dutch Leeward islands, the Dutch Caribbean slave trade, the “Kleine Vaart” in the Caribbean, Antillean colonial society, the colonists and the society of Suriname, Surinam: plantation colony, the Surinam Maroons, the Surinam slave trade, Essequebo and Demerara, the Berbice slave rebellion, a tale of two cities: Willemstad and Paramaribo, the Dutch black and red codes, the fall of the West India Company.

– Goslinga,C.Ch., “The Dutch in the Caribbean and in Surinam 1791-1942”, 824 pp., maps, van Gorcum, 1990 Assen, The Netherlands.

– Gramberg, Anne-Katrin and Robin Sabino (translators) from the original by Erik (1881) “Some notes on the Creole Language of the Danish West Indian Islands”, pp. 130-8, Journal for Ethnology, N° 13, 1998 – Graves, Anne Victoria Adams, “The present state of the Dutch Creole of the Virgin Islands”, 257 pp., Ph.D. Thesis University of Michigan, 1977

– Hartog, J., “De Forten, verdedigingswerken en geschutsstellingen van Curaçao en Bonaire; van Walbeeck tot Wouters 1634-1942”, 184 pp., plans and maps, numerous black-nd-white photos, drawings, 1997. Tells the history of the fortifications on Curacao and Bonaire from 1634-1942.

– Hartog, J., “De Forten, verdedigingswerken en geschutsstellingen van Sint Eustatius en Saba; van Pieter van Corsellers tot Abraham Heylinger 1636-1785”, 152 pp., plans and maps numerous black-and-white photos, drawings 1997. Tells the story of the fortifications on St. Eustatius and Saba from 1636-1785.

– Hartog, J., “De Forten, verdedigingswerken en geschutsstellingen van Sint Maarten en Saint Martin; van Jan Claeszen tot Willem Rink 1631-1803”, 118 pp., plans and maps, numerous black-and-white photos, drawings, 1997. Tells the story of the fortifications of St. Martin from 1631-1803.

– Hartog, J., “Het fort van Saba”, in: Various Authors, “Vestingbouw overzee. Militaire architectuur van Manhattan tot Korea”, pp. 32-36, Vestingbouwkundige bijdragen, Walburg Pers, 19–, The Netherlands.

– Hilfman, Reverend P. A., “Notes, Jews of Surinam”, in: A.J.H.S. n° 16, 1907. – Hilfman, P. A., “Some further notes on the history of the Jews in Surinam”, in: A.J.H.S. n° 16, 1907.

– Hilfman, P. A., “Notes on the history of the Jews in Surinam”, in: A.J.H.S. n° 18, 1909.

– Hollander, J. H., “Documents relating to the attempted departure of the Jews from Surinam in 1675”, in: A.J.H.S. n° 6, 1897.

– Ishmael, Odeen, “The trail of diplomacy. A documentary history of the Guyana-Venezuela border issue, part one: the Dutch and British colonization (1500-1895)”, Internet article, 1998.

– Karner, P. “The Sephardics of Curaçao”, 84 pp., van Gorcum, 1969, Assen, The Netherlands. Contents: In the beginnings; The Sephardics and Curaçao: socio-historical patterns of the 17th, 18th and 19th century; Generation II: the transition years, 1880-1910; Generation III: the Shell oil refinery, 1910-1940; Generation IV: the new order, 1940 to present; Conclusions; Bibliography.

– Klooster, Wim, “Illicit riches: Dutch trade in the Caribbean, 1648-1795” 283 pp. maps, KITLV Press, 1998, Leiden, The Netherlands. According to the author the Dutch commerce with Spanish, English and French colonies was far more important than historians have realized. This contraband trade helped the Dutch to survive the 17th-century loss of most of their territorial empire in the Western Hemisphere.

– Klooster, Wim and Oostindie, Gert “El Caribe holandés en la época de la esclavitud”, in: Anuario de estudios americanos, n° 51/2, 1994, pp. 233-259. An overview of historiography of Suriname and Dutch Antilles from late 16th century to abolition of slavery in 1863.

– Kouwenberg, Silvia “A grammar of Berbice Dutch Creole”, XVII, 693 pp., illustrations, Mouton de Gruyter, 1994, Berlin, Germany.

– Maniram, Hemraj, “The Dutch legacy to Guyana”, Internet article.

– Menkman, W. R., “De Nederlanders in het Caraibische Zeegebied”, 1942, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

– Mordechai, Arbell, “Leghorn: center of immigration of the Sephardic Jews to America, 17th century”, in: “Los Muestros. The Sephardic Voice”, n° 36, September 1999.

– Mordechai, Arbell, “Early relations between the Jewish communities in the Caribbean and the Guianas and those of the Near East, 17th to 19th century”, in: “Los Muestros. The Sephardic Voice”, n° 38, March 2000.

– Oppenheim, Samuel, “An early Jewish colony in Western Guiana, 1658-1666 and its relation to the Jews in Surinam, Cayenne and Tobago”, in: A.J.H.S. n° 16, 1907.

– Oppenheim, Samuel, “An early Jewish colony in Western Guiana, Supplemental data”, in: A.J.H.S. n° 17, 1909.

– Pontoppidan, Eric, “Det dansk-vestindisk Kreolsprog”, translated from Danish by Robin Sabino and Anne-Katrin Gramberg: “The Danish West Indian Creole Language”, in: “Tilskueren” 4 (1887), pp. 295-303. An old essay on Negerhollands, the original creole language of the Virgin Islands, lexically closely related to Dutch.

– Pontoppidan, Eric, “Einige Notizen über die Kreolensprache der dänisch-westindischen Inseln”, translated from German by Anne Gramberg and Robin Sabino: “Some notes on the Creole language of the Danish West Indian Islands”, in: “Zeitschrift für Ethnologie” 13, (1881) pp. 130-138. An old essay on Negerhollands, the original creole language of the Virgin Islands, lexically closely related to Dutch.

– Price, Richard, “To slay the hydra: Dutch colonial perspectives on the Saramakan Wars”, 247pp., illustrations, Karoma Publishers, 1983, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. This book deals with the 18th century colonial Dutch wars in Surinam.

– Rens, L.L.E., “Analysis of annals relating to early Jewish settlements in Surinam”.

– Robertson, Ian E., “The Dutch linguistic legacy and the Guyana/Venezuela border question”, in: “Boletín de Estudios Latinoamericanos”, Centro de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos, n°34, p. 75-97, map, June 1983, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dutch lexical loans in Amerindian languages, use of Dutch Creole and nature of Creole Dutch.

– Scott, John, “The description of Guyana, 1669”, British library Mss n° 3662, fol. 37v.-42v.

– Sluiter, Engel, “Dutch-Spanish Rivalry in the Caribbean Area, 1594-1609”, in: “Hispanic American Historical Review”, vol. 28, no. 2, May, pp. 165-196, Duke University Press, 1948, Durham, North Carolina, USA.

– van Rossem, Cefas and van der Voort, Hein, “De Creol Taal: 250 Years of Negerhollands Texts”, 325 pp., Amsterdam University Press, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Negerhollands is the original creole language, lexically closely related to Dutch, of the Virgin Islands. It emerged as a separate language around 1700 and died out completely only a few years ago, having gradually been replaced by English in the course of the nineteenth century. Apart from giving information about the history and the features of this language, this book is an attempt to document the various phases of Negerhollands and make texts accessible to a wider public.

– Williams, Denis, “Archeology in the Guianas”

– Williamson, J. A. “English colonies in Guiana and on the Amazon 1604-1688”, 191 pp., Clarendon Press, 1923, Oxford,

– Wise, K. S., “Historical sketches of Trinidad & Tobago”, Vol. I, 1934, articles IX, X, XI The Dutch settlements in Trinidad 1636, the Dutch settlements in Tobago 1633-1636, the Dutch attack on St. Joseph 1637.


– Various Authors, “Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, 1604-1679”, E. van den Boogaart editor, The Johan Maurits van Nassau Stichting, 1979, ‘s Gravenhage, The Netherlands, pp. 247-255.

– José Antônio Gonsalves de Mello, “Vicent Joaquim Soler in Dutch Brazil”

– Various Authors, “História do Rio Grande do Norte”, in: “Cadernos Especiais – Tribuna do Norte”, Internet article.

– Various Authors, “Tempo dos Flamengos e outros tempos. Brasil século XVII”, 351 pp., Fundação Joaquim Nabuco – Editora Massangana, 1999, Recife, Brazil, Seminário Internacional em comemoração aos 500 anos do descobrimento, 18 articles on Dutch Brazil. Index: Tambores de Marte em Guararapes; Nassau: uma perspectiva cultural em Pernambuco; Nassau no Recife: aspectos culturais da ocupação do espaço urbano; António Vieira e o tempo dos Flamengos: retórica anti-holandesa e alvitrismo político económico; A revelação do Brasil por João Maurício de Nassau; Flamengos e Ibéricos no Nordeste Brasileiro; Padroado Português e missionação nos tempos dos Flamengos; Igreja sociedade e poder; Presença Flamenga no Nordeste; Calvinismo Holandês e libertade religiosa; Igreja, reforma, contra-reforma e estado em Pernambuco no sêculo XVII; Pernambuco e Angola; A cidade do Recife – urbanismo lusitano e holandês; Portugal e Holanda no Pernambuco setecentista; Luís Cardoso; Pernambuco na história da companhia geral do comércio do Brasil; Réflexions sur les géopolitiques atlantiques – le cas du Brésil au XVIIème siècle; Algumas notas críticas sobre a história da restauração portuguesa (1640-1668).

– Angelini, Claudio Marcos, “Os Holandeses no Brasil e sua cunhagem obsidional”, Internet article.

– Arlégo, Edvaldo, “Os Holandeses no Nordeste: Uma Aventura Flamenga”, 40pp., Edições Edificantes, 1995, Recife, Pernambuco.

– Barlaeus, Gaspar “História dos feitos recentemente praticados durante oito anos no Brasil”, prefácio de José Antônio Gonçalves de Mello, Fundação de Cultura Cidade do Recife, 1980, Recife, Brazil. Gaspar van Baerle, alias Gaspar Barlaeus (1584-1648) was a humanist, who accompanied Count Johann Moritz von Nassau-Siegen to Brazil in order to write the history of his administration for the Dutch Crown in Pernambuco (1637-44). The result was this book, a major title in rare Brasiliana, published in Latin (Amsterdam 1647). The printer and publisher, Johann Blaeu, included 55 prints after drawings by Frans Post in the first edition. They covered many cities in Northeastern Brazil other than Pernambuco, but also important places in Portuguese Africa and Chile.

– Bezerra, Rubens Borges, “Moedas holandesas em Pernambuco, Dutch coins in Pernambuco”, 136 pp., illustration, Gráfica e Editora, 1980, Recife, Brazil.

– Bloom, H.I.M.H.L., “A study of Brazilian Jewish history 1623-1654, based chiefly upon the findings of the late Samuel Oppenheim”, in: A.J.H.S., vol. n° 33, 1934.

– Boxer, Ch. R., “The Dutch in Brazil 1624-1654”, xiii, 327 pp., 4 maps, Oxford University Press 1957, London, United Kingdom. A complete study on the Dutch presence in Brazil. I think, it is the best about Dutch Brazil.

– Boxer, C.R., “In the time of the Flemings: the Dutch in Brazil, 1624-54”, in: “History Today” n° 4/3, Mar. 1954, pp. 159-168, London, United Kingdom. – Boxer, C.R., “The recovery of Pernambuco, 1645-1654”, in: “Atlante” n° 2/1, January 1954, pp. 1-17.

– Brienen, R. P, “Georg Marcgraf (1610- ca. 1644) a German Cartographer, Astronomer and Naturalist-Illustrator in Colonial Dutch Brazil”, in: “Itinerario” 1/2001 pp. 85-122

– Brunn, Gerhard, “Comunicação Intercultural entre Europa e Brasil. A contribuição de Johann Moritz von Nassau-Siegen 1637 – 1644”, Paper presented in: “6º Congresso da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas”, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 8 a 13 de agosto de 1999.

– Cabral de Mello, E., “Olinda restaurada, guerra e açucar no Nordeste 1630 – 1654”, 470 pp., Topbooks Editora, 2° edição, 1998, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

– Camara Cascudo, L. da, “Geografia do Brasil Holandês. Presença holandesa no Brasil. Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Maranhão. Mapa de Maarcgrave. Carta de Matias Beck”, 303 pp., illustrations, Livraria José Olympio Editôra, 1956, Río de Janeiro, Brasil. – Correia de Andrade, M., “Guararapes 350 anos III”, Internet article, 1995.

– Cunha e Souza, Marcos da, “Soldados da Companhia das Índias Ocidentais”, Internet article.

– Dantas Silva, Leonardo, “Uma comunidade judaica na América Portuguesa”, Texto apresentado no Seminário: “O mundo que o Português criou”.

– Di Pace, Vittorio, “Napoletani in Brasile nella guerra di liberazione dall’invasione olandese: 1625-1640”, 129 pp., [42], con tavole, illustrazioni, Casa Editrice Fausto Fiorentino, 1991, Naples, Italy.

– Doria, Gino, “I soldati napoletani nelle guerre del Brasile contro gli olandesi, 1625-1641”, in: Archivio Storico per le Province Napoletane, a.57, 31 pp., Ricciardi editori, 1932, Napoli.

– Edmundson, “The Dutch on the Amazon and Rio Negro in the Seventeenth Century”, English historical review: 1903, Vol. XVIII, pp. 642 – 663 and 1904, Vol. XIX, pp. 1 – 25. Article dealing with the Dutch settlements in the Amazon basin.

– Edmundson, “The Dutch power in Brazil. The struggle for Bahia 1624-1627”, English historical review: 1896, Vol. XI, 231 – 259 pp.

– Edmundson, “The Dutch power in Brazil. The first conquest”, English historical review: 1899, Vol. XIV, 676 – 699 pp.

– Emmer, Pieter C., “The struggle over sugar: the abortive attack of the Dutch on Portugal in the South Atlantic 1600-1650”, in: Mare Liberum, Revista de História dos Mares Nº 13 , pp. 59-68, 1997, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Galvão, Sebastião de Vasconcellos, “Expulsão dos Holandeses de Pernambuco”, Tomo Especial, ICHN, V. 5, 1915, p. 371-420.

– Girão, Raimundo, “Matias Beck, fundador de Fortaleza”, 168 pp., Imprensa Oficial do Ceará, 1961, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

– Gonçalves de Mello, J. A. Neto, “Tempo dos Flamengos: influência da ocupação holandesa na vida e na cultura do Norte do Brasil” 337 pp., José Olympio, 1947, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Dutch heritage in Northern Brazil. Index: Os Holandeses e a vida urbana, os Holandeses e a vida rural, atitude dos Holandeses para com os Negros e a escravidão, atitude dos Holandeses para com os Índios e a catequese, atitude dos Holandeses para com os Portugueses e os Judeus e as religiões católica e israelita.

– Gonsalves de Mello, José Antônio, “Gente da Nação: Cristãos-novos e judeus em Pernambuco 1542-1654”, XIV, 552 pp., illustrations, Massangana, 1989, Recife, Brazil.

– Guerra, Flávio, “Uma aventura holandesa no Brasil”, 275 pp., Companhia Editora de Pernambuco, 1977, Recife, Brazil.

– Herkenhoff, Paulo, “Brasil e os Holandeses 1630-1654”, 272 pp., color plates, maps, plans, GMT Editores Ltda., 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beautifully illustrated volume on Dutch influence in Brazil in the 17th century. Essays covering Art, Architecture, Urbanism, Cartography, Science and Religion.

– Heróncio de Melo, Paulo, “Os holandêses no Rio Grande”, 108 pp., Edição ABC, 1937, Brasil.

– Homem, Joaquim de Salles Torres, “Expulsão dos Holandeses de Pernambuco”, Tomo Especial, ICHN, V. 5, 1915, p. 7-47.

– Hulsman, Lodewijk, “Os Índios Brasileiros nos Paises-Baixos”, 3 pp., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

– Hulsman L., Het Rasphuis, A prisão do pau-brasil Continente Multicultural, Edição Nº01 –Recife 2001.

– Hulsman, Lodewijk, Marcos Galindo, organizadores, apresentação Francisco Weffort, estudo introdutório e organizacional-editorial Leonardo Dantas Silva, “Guia de fontes para a história do Brasil holandês: acervos de manuscritos em arquivos holandeses” Uitgever: Brasília : Minc Recife: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana 2001.

– Hulsman, Lodewijk, “Braziliaanse suiker: een organisatiestudie over de Hoge Regering van de West Indische Compagnie in Recife tussen 1636 en 1646”, doctoraalscriptie voor de Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen, Opleiding Sociologie, Amsterdam 2002.

– Hulsman Lodewijk, “Brazilian Indians in the Dutch Republic, The Remonstrances of António Paraupaba to the States General in 1654 and 1656”, Itinerario, international journal on the history of European expansion and global interaction, Vol. 29/1, 51-78, Leiden 2005.

– Hulsman Lodewijk, Gisberth de With, Paes, Anna, “De geschiedenis van het huwelijk van een Dordtenaar en een Braziliaanse in de 17e eeuw”, Oud Dordrecht, Jaargang 23/2, 52-62, Dordrecht 2005.

– Krommen, Rita, “Mathias Beck e a Cia. das Índias Ocidentais: o domínio holandês no Ceará colonial”, 310 pp., illustrations, Casa de José de Alencar, 1997, 1. edition, Fortaleza, Brazil. Tese de Graduação apresentada à Universidade de Colónia.

– Lima, Felício, “Expulsão dos holandeses do Brasil”, Conferência pronunciada no Circulo de Oficiais Reformados do Exército e da Armada do Brasil, 16 April 1948.

– Lisboa, J. Carlos, “Uma peça desconhecida sobre os holandeses na Bahia”, 150 pp., (MEC – INL. Coleção de obras raras VI), 1961, Rio de Janeiro. Contém a peça “La Pérdida y Restauración de la Bahía de todos los Santos”, de Juan Antonio Correa, com tradução e notas do autor.

– Lyra, Augusto Tavares de, “Domínio Holandês no Brasil, especialmente no Rio Grande do Norte”, Tomo Especial, CIHN, V. 1, 1915, p. 439-506.

– Medeiros Filho, Olavo de, “No rastro dos flamengos”, 104 pp., maps Fundação José Augusto, 1989, Natal, Brazil. Dutch adventurers in Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba during the period of Dutch occupation. Reconstituição geográfica, com base em relatórios neerlandeses, dos locais percorridos pelos flamengos no interior do Rio Grande do Norte e da Paraíba, no século XVII, entre 1641 e 1650. Reproduz trechos de mapas da época e fotografias atuais com vistas dos lugares identificados na pesquisa.

– Meireles, Mário Martins, “Holandeses no Maranhão: 1641-1644”, 169 pp., illustrations, maps PPPG/EDUFMA, 1991, São Luís, Brazil.

– Monteiro da Costa, Luíz, “Um manuscrito raro: Holandeses na Bahia em 1638”, 7 pp., Centro de Estudos Bahianos, 1967, Salvador, Brazil.

– Moreira Bento, Cláudio, “As guerras Holandesas 1624-1654”, Internet article. “Comemorativo do 350° aniversário em 19 de Abril de 1998 da vitória luso-brasileira na 1° Batalha dos Montes Guararapes em Recife em Pernambuco, Brasil”

– Moreira Bento, Cláudio, “As batalhas dos Guararapes”, Brasil. Detailed study on the two battles of the Guararapes.

– Nederveen Meerkerk, H. van, “Recife. The rise of a 17th-century trade city from a cultural-historical perspective”, 459 pp., illustrations, van Gorcum, 1989, Assen-Maastricht, The Netherlands. The history of architecture in Recife of the years of Dutch occupation.

– Nederveen Meerkerk, H. C. van, “Fortificaties in Hollandsch Brasil : theorie en praktijk van enige vestingbouwkundige werken van de West-Indische compagnie op de noordoostkust van Brazilië”, in: “Bulletin KNOB”, 90/6 (1991), pp. 205-210.

– Netscher, P.M., “Os Holandeses no Brasil. Notícia histórica dos Países Baixos e do Brasil no século XVII”, Companhia Editora Nacional, 1942, (first published in French in 1853), São Paulo, Brazil. Historical study of Dutch colonization and trade with Brazil in the 17th century.

– Nieuhoff, Jan, “Voyages and Travels into Brazil and the East Indies: containing an exact description of Dutch Brazil, and diverse parts of the East Indies”, iv + pp. 156 + 181-369, 49 plates (18 full-page, 27 folding, 4 folding maps) and 33 plates in the text, Awnsham and John Churchill, 1703, London, United Kingdom.

– Oliveira, André Frota, “A fortificação holandesa do Camocim”, 148 pp., illustrations, maps, Expressão Gráfica e Editora, 1995, Fortaleza, Brazil.

– Perez de Tudela y Bueso y Contestación, Don Juan, “Sobre la Defensa Hispana del Brasil contra los Holandeses (1624-1640)” ?, 76 pp., Discurso leído el Dia 3 de Febrero de 1974, Real Academia de la Historia, 1974, Madrid, Spain.

– Rosado, Vingt-un, “Os holandeses nas salinas do Rio Mossoró”, 235 pp., Fundação Guimarães Duque, 1986, Mossoró, Brazil. The Dutch in Rio Grande do Norte.

– Schalkwijk, F. L. & Smith, W.S., “The Reformed Church in Dutch Brazil 1630-1654”, xiv + 353 pp., Boekencentrum, 1998, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands. Portuguese edition: “Igreja e estado no Brasil Holandês, 1630-1654”, Recife : Fundarpe, 1986. – (Colecção Pernambucana ; 2a fase, vol. 25) and 2ª edição. (São Paulo: Vida Nova, 1989).

– Schalkwijk, Frans Leonard, “A Igreja Cristã Reformada no Brasil Holandês. Atas de 1636 a 1648”, pp. 145-284, in: Revista do Instituto Arqueológico, Histórico e Geográfico Pernambucano, LVIII,(1993).

– Schalkwijk, Frans Leonard, “Índios Evangélicos no Brasil Holandês”, Internet article.

– Schalkwijk, Frans Leonard, “Porque Calabar? O motivo da traição”, Internet article.

– Sedycias, João, “Straddling Two Worlds: The Sephardic Presence in Northeastern Brazil”. This paper was presented by the author at the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, December 1990, Chicago, USA.

– Silva, Luíz Geraldo, “O Brasil dos Holandeses: a vida urbana em Pernambuco sob o domínio flamengo”.

– Studart Filho, Carlos, “História do Ceará holandês: considerações em torno de dois pontos controversos”, in: “Revista do Instituto do Ceará”, n°91, 1977, pp. 7-47, Fortaleza, Brazil.

– Teensma, B. N., “O diário de Rodolfo Baro (1647) como monumento aos Índios Tarairiú do Rio Grande do Norte”, Internet article.

– van Alphen, G., “Jan Reeps en zijn onbekende kolonisatiepoging in Zuid-Amerika 1692”, 103 pp., van Gorcum, 1960, Assen, The Netherlands. The history of Jan Reeps, who tried to settle in the northern part of Brazil in 1692; he was several years in Brazil and went through a lot of adventures to finally return via Suriname back to Holland.

– van Balen, W.J., Leopolds, H.P., “Johan Maurits in Brazilië”, 188pp., Uitgeverij MIJ N.V, 1941, Den Haag, The Netherlands.

– van der Straaten, Harald S., Uitgeverij van Wijnen-Franeker, “Hollandse pioniers in Brazilië”, 160pp., 1988, The Netherlands.

– van der Straaten, Harald S., “Brazil – A Destiny: Dutch Contacts through the Ages”, 164 pp., Government Publishing Office, 1984, The Hague, The Netherlands.

– van Hoboken, W.J., “Witte de With in Brazilië, 1648-1649” 324 pp., N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1955, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

– Varnhagen, F. A., “História das lutas com os holandeses no Brazil desde 1624 a 1654”, 1874, Lisbon, Portugal.

– Whitehead, P.J. P. & Boseman, M., “Portrait of Dutch 17th Century Brazil”, 358 pp. black-and-white and color plates, illustrations, map, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1989, Amsterdam/Oxford/New York. Animals, plants and people by the artists of Johan Maurits of Nassau. Comprehensive study of all the drawings, the watercolours, the oil paintings, the engravings, the books, the manuscripts, the maps, the frescoes, the tapestries and so on, that ultimately owed their existence to the patronage given by Johan Maurits to the arts and sciences.

– Wiznitzer A., “The number of the Jews in Dutch Brazil 1630-1654” 8 pp. Conference on Jewish relations, Jewish social studies, 16 nr. 2 1954 New York; USA.

– Wiznitzer, Arnold, “Jewish Soldiers in Dutch Brazil, 1630-1654”, in: “Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society” n° 46/1, September 1956, pp. 40-50. New York, USA. The Jews who served with the Dutch were of three classes: mercenaries in the Dutch expedition of 1629-1630, 350 militia-men, about half of the total (1645-1654) and 40 naval volunteers (1645).

– Wiznitzer, Arnold, “The members of the Brazilian Jewish community, 1648-1653”, in: “Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society”, n° 42, 1953, New York, USA.

– Wiznitzer, Arnold, “The Synagogue and cemetery of the Jewish community in Recife, Brazil (1630-1654)”, in: “Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society” n° 43, 1953, New York, USA.

– Wiznitzer, Arnold, “The exodus from Brazil and arrival in New Amsterdam of the Jewish pilgrim fathers, 1654”, in: “Publication of the American Jewish Historical Society” n° 44, 1954, New York, USA.

– Wolff, Egon and Wolff, Frieda, “Quantos Judeus estiveram no Brasil Holandês e outros ensaios”, 131 pp., wrps., The authors, 1991, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With lists of Jews in various categories in Dutch Brazil including a list of those who died there. The authors are the preeminent and extremely prolific scholars of Jewish life in Brazil.


– Bradley, Peter T., “The lessons of the Dutch blockade of Callao, 1614”, in: “Revista de Historia de América”, n° 83, enero/junio de 1977, pp. 53-68, Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, Comisión de Historia. México.

– Wills, John E., “Dutch ships on Mexico’s Pacific coast: 1747”, in: “Southern California Quarterly”, n° 61/4, Winter 1979, pp. 337-350, Historical Society of Southern California. Los Angeles. In 1747 the Dutch East India Company tried to establish a trading port near Tepic.


– Various Authors, “Chile a la vista”, Catálogo de exposición de la Biblioteca Nacional, Santiago, Chile. Catálogo da Exposição, tratava mais especificamente das sete grandes expedições holandesas entre 1599 e 1722 que foram ao Chile, incluindo a de Hendrick Brouwer e Elias Herckmans (1642-43) que passou por Pernambuco e ficou em Valdivia por alguns meses. Os holandeses fizeram aliança com os Mapuches e chegaram a construir um forte, mas desistiram de ficar por falta de viveres e desconfiança dos seus aliados.

– Various Authors, “Collección de Historiadores de Chile y de Documentos Relativos a la Historia Nacional. Tomo XLV: “Los Holandeses en Chile”, x+438 pp., Imprenta Universitaria, 1923, Santiago, Chile. Index: “Población de Valdivia: motivos y medios para aquella fundación, defensas del Reino del Perú para resistir las invasiones enemigas en mar y tierra, paces pedidas por los indios rebeldes de Chile, acetadas y capituladas por el gobernador; y estado que tienen hasta nueve de Abril del año de 1647 A.D. Felipe IV N. S., el piadoso Rey Católico de las Españas y Emperador de las Indias/por el Padre Maestro Fray Miguel de Aguirre. Lima: Casa de Julián Santos de Saldaña, 1647”

– “Journael ende historis verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de straet le Maire, naer de Custen Chili, onder het beleyt van den Heer Generael Hendrick Brouwer, in den jare 1643 voor gevallen, etc.” Notas bibliográficas sobre el viaje ejecutado de Enrique Brouwer a Chile. Documentos.

– Feliú Cruz, Guillermo, “Viajes relativos a Chile. Traducidos y prologados por José Toribio Medina” ?, 2 vols., 312 & 440 pp., maps, plates, Fondo Histórico y Bibliográfico José Toribio Medina, 1962, Santiago, Chile. Anthology of facsimiles of Medina editions, translations, and first printings of coeval accounts of Chile, ranging from 1615 through 1851. Index: Vol. I: Jacob Le Maire and Guillermo Cornelio Schouten, Relación diaria del viaje de… en que descubrieron nuevo estrecho y pasaje del Mar del Norte al Mar del Sur, a la parte austral del Estrecho de Magallanes (Madrid, 1619; Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana 1897) pp. 3-47.

– Henry Brouwer and Elías Herckmans, Viaje al Reino de Chile en América, realizado por los señores… en los años de 1642 y 1643 (Frankfurt, 1649), translated by José Toribio Medina (Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía, 52, 1923, pp. 78-127) pp. 49-91.

– P. Antonio María Fanelli, Relación de un viaje a Chile en 1698 desde Cádiz, por mar y por tierra … (Venetia, 1710), translated by Elvira Zolezzi (Revista Chilena de Historia y Geogafía, 65, 1929, pp. 99-149), pp. 93-143.

– Manuel Brizuela, Primer viaje de exploración a la isla de Tenqueguén: diario y derrotero de don…, 1750 (Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía, 23, 1916, pp. 5-29) pp. 145-165.

– Juan Francisco Sobrecasas, Relación orthographia, physicomédico, matemática de la Isla de San Juan Baptista, alias de Juan Fernández … [1750-1751], (Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía, 49, 1923, pp. 456-473) pp. 167-184.

– Samuel B. Johnston, Cartas escritas durante una residencia de tres años en Chile… [1811-1814] (Erie, Pennsylvania, 1816), translated by José Toribio Medina (Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 139, noviembre/diciembre de 1916, pp. 573-620; 140, enero/febrero de 1917, pp. 3-99) pp. 185-295. Vol. II: John [or Isaac?] Francis Coffin, Diario de un joven norte-americano detenido en Chile durante el período revolucionario de 1817 a 1819 (Boston, 1823), translated by José Toribio Medina (Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Elzeviriana, 1898) pp. 3-112.

– Richard Longeville Vowell, Memorias de un oficial de marina inglés al servicio de Chile durante los años de 1821-1829 (selections from work published in London in 1831), translated by José Toribio Medina (Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Universitaria, 1923), pp. 113-268.

– E.H. Appleton, Insurrección en Magallanes: relación del apresamiento y escapada del Capitán Chas. H. Brown del poder de los penados chilenos (Boston, 1854), translated by José Toribio Medina (Santiago de Chile, Imprenta Universitaria, 1923) pp. 269-360

– Gilbert Farquhar Mathison, Santiago y Valparaíso ahora: un siglo: relato de un viajero inglés (selections from work published in London in 1825), translated by José Toribio Medina (Revista Chilena de Historia y Geografía, 46, 1922, pp. 16-46) pp. 361-394.

– José Toribio Medina, Quienes fueron los autores, hasta ahora ignorados, de los libros ingleses que interesan a América (in Bibliographical essays: a tribute to Wilberforce Eames, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1925, p. 79-84) pp. 397-405.

– José Toribio Medina, Dos obras de viajeros norteamericanos traducidos al castellano (Hispanic American Historical Review, 1:1, February 1918, pp. 106-114).

– Floore, P. M., Gawronsky, Jerzy, Hefting, O., Zeeberg, J. J., “Nederlanders in de straat van Magalhães/Holandeses en el estrecho de Magellanes. A la busquerda de las huellas de la invernada de la flota de Mahu y de Cordes en 1599”, 60 pp., 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

About Marco Ramerini

I am passionate about history, especially the history of geographical explorations and colonialism.