
Sri Lanka (Ceylon). List of Dutch colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini SRI LANKA: WEST COAST (North of Colombo) Colombo: (Colombo, Columbo, Calamba, Kolombo, Colombe) (6°56′ N – 79°51′ E) Hultsdorf: (Hulffsdorp, Hulfsdorp, Hulftsdorp, Hulsdorp, Hulstsdorp) Kasteel Netherlands: 12 May 1656 – 16 Feb 1796 British: 16 Feb 1796 – Sources: Brohier “Links between Sri Lanka and The Netherlands: a book of Dutch Ceylon” Ribeiro “The historic tragedy ...

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South East Asia and the Far East. List of Dutch colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini BANGLA DESH: Dhecca, Decca (Dhaka): Netherlands: trading office Until 1704 Dhaka was the seat of the Nawab of Bengal. From 1664 the Nawab functioned as the viceroy of Bengal. He sent an emissary to the administration of the Company in Batavia requesting aid in his battle against the Arakan. Both the Dutch and the English established ...

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Arabia and Persian Gulf. List of Dutch colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. YEMEN Aden: Netherlands: trading office: August 1620- November/December 1620 On 22 August 1620 the Dutch ship “‘T Wapen van Zeelandt” reached Aden; here the Dutch immediately rented a house. When the ship left Aden, five servants and a supply of goods (worth about 42.000 guilders) were left in the trading post ...

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India. List of Portuguese colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. INDIA: Diu: (20°43’N – 71°00’E) Forte or Castelo do Mar, Castelo de Diu or Fortaleza de São Tomé Portuguese: 21 Dec. 1535 fortress – 18/19 Dec. 1961 Leao “A Província do Norte do Estado da Índia” Island of Diu: Fortaleza de Nagoa (1744), Fortaleza de Brancavara (1774), Forte de Simbor, Forte de ...

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Sri Lanka (Ceylon). List of Portuguese colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. SRI LANKA (CEYLON): Portuguese: 1518 – 1597 the Kingdom of Kotte is tributary to Portugal. Portuguese: 1597: the whole of the territory of the Kingdom of Kotte is under the control of the Portuguese, they control four Provinces or Disawani: Matara (along the sea coast from Kotte to Walawe Ganga), Saparagamuwa (north of Matara ...

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South East Asia and in Far East Asia. List of Portuguese colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. BURMA: Martabão (Martaban): (16°32’N – 97°36’E) Portuguese: 1514 feitoria – 1516 Subrahmanyam “Improvising Empire – Portuguese trade and settlements in the Bay of Bengal 1500 – 1700” or “”Comércio e conflito – A presença portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala 1500 – 1700” Tenasserim: (12°06’N – 98°56’E) Portuguese: wooden fort on a hill ...

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Arabia and Persian Gulf. List of Portuguese colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. YEMEN: Soko (Socotra): Fortaleza de São Miguel Portuguese: Apr./May 1507 fort – 1511 abandoned and dismantled Source: Pereira da Costa “Socotra e o domínio português no Oriente” Kamaran:  Kamaran is an island in west Yemen. In the 16th Century, portuguese established there an outpost. Source: wikipedia Written by Zé MIguel Silva ...

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Asia. Portuguese Colonial Remains 16th-18th centuries

The entrance Gate to the citadel of the fortress. Vasai, Bassein, Baçaim. Author and Copyright Sushant Raut

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. If you know something on colonial remains or if you have photos of such remains – they may be anywhere in the world -, send them to me. I’ll be happy to publish them on this website. Thank you. Marco. My e-mail is on the home page. PORTUGUESE COLONIAL REMAINS ...

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Asia. Dutch Colonial Remains 16th-18th centuries

Dutch Fort, Galle, Sri Lanka. Author and Copyright Dietrich Köster

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. If you know something on colonial remains or if you have photos of such remains – they may be anywhere in the world -, send them to me. I’ll be happy to publish them on this website. Thank you. Marco. My e-mail is on the home page. BANGLA DESH Rajshahi: ...

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List of Danish colonial forts and possessions

Written by Marco Ramerini DANISH COLONIAL SETTLEMENTS ASIA INDIA: Tranquebar (Dansborg castle): Danish: 1620-May 1801 English: (May 1801-Aug. 1802) Danish: Aug. 1802-1808 English: (1808-20 Sep. 1815) Danish: 20 Sep. 1815-7 Nov. 1845 English occupation: (7 Nov. 1845- 1947) (U. B. J. p 41, 44) (H.F. p 298) Pipely (Pipli): factory 1625- abandoned before 1643 (U. B. J. p 28) Masulipatam: factory 1626 -abandoned before 1643 (U. ...

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Malacca, Thailand, and Philippines. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: MALACCA, THAILAND AND PHILIPPINES THAILAND: – Various Authors, “Siamese king sent diplomats to “king” Maurits at The Hague”, in: “Windmill Herald”, n°813, 814, September 9 & 23, 1996 – Brummelhuis, Han ten, “Merchant, Courtier and Diplomat: A History of the Contacts between The Netherlands and Thailand”, 116 pp., ...

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Indonesia. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Moluccas (1630), Indonesia. Author Willem Janszoon Blaeu. No Copyright

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: INDONESIA INDONESIA: – Various Authors, “A taste of adventure: the history of spices is the history of trade”, in: “The Economist”, 19 December 1998. – Various Authors, “Forten, Vestingen, Redoutes, Kastelen, Blokhuis”, list of Dutch forts in Indonesia sent to me by Donald F.M. Rugebregt. – Various Authors, ...

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India. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: INDIA INDIA, GENERAL: – Gupta, Ashin Das, “Merchants of maritime India, 1500-1800”, 326 pp., illustrations, Aldershot, Variorum, 1994, Brookfield, Vermont, USA. Contents: Preface: Indian merchants and the trade in the Indian Ocean, ca. 1500-1750; India and the Indian Ocean, 1500-1800: the story; The maritime merchant [of medieval India], ...

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Asia Far East: China, Taiwan (Formosa), Japan. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. ASIA FAR EAST: FORMOSA (TAIWAN), CHINA, JAPAN FAR EAST: FORMOSA (TAIWAN), CHINA, JAPAN: – Andrade, T., “Political spectacle and colonial rule: the Landdag on Dutch Taiwan, 1629-1648”, in: “Itinerario”, vol. XXI, 3/1997 pp. 57-93. – Bassett, D. K., “The trade of the English East India Company in the Far East, ...

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Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: CEYLON (SRI LANKA) CEYLON-SRI LANKA: – Various Authors “History of Ceylon” Vol. 1, parts 1 & 2: “Pre-Colonial Period” University of Ceylon, 1959/60, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Vol. 2: “History of Sri Lanka vol. II (1500-1800)”, 614 pp., edited by K.M. de Silva, University of Peradenya, Ceylon, 1995, Colombo, ...

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Asia. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Map of Asia (1627). Authors Bertius; Danckerts; Tavernier. No Copyright

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: ASIA ASIA GENERAL: – Various Authors, “All of one company, the VOC in biographical perspective”, 230 pp., HES Uitgevers, 1986, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Index: Testament to a Towkay: Jan Con Batavia and the Dutch China trade, the voyage of the Dutch merchant Pieter van den Broecke to the ...

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Arabia and Persian Gulf. Bibliography of Dutch Colonial History 17th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. DUTCH EMPIRE: ARABIAN PENINSULA AND PERSIAN GULF YEMEN, ARABIA, IRAN: – Barendse, R. J., “The Arabian Seas, 1640-1700”, vi + 465 pp., Leiden University, 1998, Leiden, The Netherlands. Contents: Ports and hinterlands, Europeans in the Arabian Seas, the trading companies and Asian states, trade volumes and patterns, the Portuguese, the ...

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Malacca, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Porta de Santiago, Malacca, Malaysia. Author and Copyright Krzysztof Kudlek.

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. BURMA, THAILAND, CAMBODIA, LAOS, VIETNAM: – Bouchon, Geneviève & Thomaz, Luís Filipe Reis, “Voyage dans les Deltas du Gange et de l’Irraouaddy 1521”, FCG-Centre Culturel Portugais, 1988, Paris, France. – Boxer, Ch. R., “Angkor et le Cambodge au XVIème et XVIIème siècles d’aprés les Sources Portugaises et Espagnoles”, 1958 – ...

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Indonesia, Timor. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Map of Indonesia (1780). Author Rigobert Bonne and Guilleme Raynal. No Copyright

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. PORTUGUESE EMPIRE: INDONESIA, TIMOR INDONESIA, TIMOR: – Various Authors, “Portugis Aceh” ?, in: “Gatra” n° 34, 18 Jul. 1995, Era Media Informasi, Jakarta, Indonesia. pp. 51-64 – Various Authors, “East Flores: the Brotherhood of the Queen of Rosaries. Three and a half centuries of lament and celebration”, Internet article. – ...

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India. Bibliography of Portuguese Colonial History 16th-18th century

Written by Marco Ramerini. English text revision by Dietrich Köster. PORTUGUESE EMPIRE: INDIA PAKISTAN: – Badalkhan, Sabir “Portuguese encounters with coastal Makran Baloch during the sixteenth century. Some references from a Balochi heroic epic” in: “Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society” Series 3, 10, 2 (2000) pp. 153-169 – Deus Ramos, Joao de “Merchants and missionaries: Portuguese settlements at the ...

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