Situated in a natural harbour near the Oman capital Muscat, tha city of Matrah (Matara).
The Portuguese built a fort in Matrah in 1588, the fort was part of the defenses of the city of Muscat.
The Portuguese controlled the fort between 1588 and 1648.
The fort at Matrah was a square fort with four bastions at the corners.

For the image thanks to Prof. Nuno Varela Rubim and Prof. Rui Carita (“O Lyvro de Plantaforma das Fortalezas da Índia, na Fortaleza de S. Julião da Barra, com 22 plantas de anónimo (I Manuel Godinho de Erédia, de cerca de 1620), e 55 plantas de anónimo (II de cerca de 1640)”).